Life. Love. Family. Our Perfect Imperfection. Living life as a Catholic, homeschooling family with three amazing, unique boys, a too-oft serious, frustrated and anxious but also loving momma, and a fun-loving, hardworking dad.

Monday, February 4, 2013

what's new around here?

I've been doing so much writing about food that I've lost focus a little about what this blog is really about. Yes, it is about food, to the extent that we are trying to make changes. But really this is supposed to be about our day-to-day life and how I am growing and changing as a person or mom. I don't want to become so centered on one aspect and then lose myself, my writing and bore people ;)

I'm going to help save a life today. No, I'm not a superhero. I won't go running into a burning building and rescue somebody or lift a 2-ton car off of a child. What do I mean then? How can I know I will help save a life? How presumptuous of me! Well, I do know, and so can you!! The boys' school is having a blood drive, and I am signed up to donate blood today. Did you know that each blood donation can go to help up to THREE people!? I didn't! So yeah. I'm doing a good deed today. And while it's something simple, and maybe I shouldn't "brag" about it, I am proud of myself. I wanted to share, because maybe it will inspire someone else out there to do the same.

Baby J goes Feb 13 to Early On to be evaluated on his gross motor skills, to see if he qualifies for physical therapy (PT). If he does, we set up an IFSP (individual family service plan) and see if he needs any other services. I don't think they will find him eligible, only because in the last month his gross motor skills have blossomed so much. He will let go of furniture and stand for several seconds, he cruises around furniture very quickly, he can sit from a standing position much easier, he will bend to try and pick up something while holding on to try and stay standing, he will hold your hands and take several steps, and he went from doing the "army crawl" 95% of the time to crawling on his hands and knees about 40-50% of the time. He was truly only 1 "point" away from passing the pediatrician's evaluation/assessment anyway, so now he'd probably pass with flying colors. We're still waiting to hear from the urologist's scheduler so we can set up his surgery.

A has his blue and gold banquet Feb 24 for cub scouts and will get his Wolf Badge (as long as we finish his last two achievements by the 10th!) It's at noon that Sunday and he and Jas will be going to that by themselves. I'm disappointed that E, Baby J and I won't be able to be there, but we have our first conflict of schedules! Anyway, I am very proud of him, as he has been working on these achievements and some of his electives to get his arrow points starting in April as well as his belt loops! I think he's technically earned 2 of the belt loops and his gold arrow point and first silver arrow point. A seems to be really enjoying the fun activities and Jas and him get to have some father/son time.

E won the school spelling bee and goes to the MI state charter school spelling bee on March 15th. Before that though, he is going to the regional bee for the Scripp's National Bee on Feb 24. Yeah, there's our schedule conflict. Same day as A's blue and gold. I was hoping it would be at a different time, but nope :( Registration is at noon and the bee starts at 1pm (the same time A will get his badge), so E, Baby J and I will go to the bee and Jas and A will join us later. If E wins this regional bee, he would go on to the national bee the week of May 26th. A is excited about this because they would both end up missing some school AND his birthday is May 30 so he'd get to go on a trip for his birthday ;) LOL. Silly kid. It should be interesting going though, because last year, Jas was backstage in case E had any behavioral "issues" and because I will have Baby J, who is only 13 months old with me, I won't be able to do the same. I know he's made a lot of progress and matured a lot in a year so hopefully it should be ok.

I'm proud of our boys being understanding that they have to "share" us for the day, one of us being at one's important event and the other being at the other event.

Jas has to travel for work soon, for a week. It's been a while and I can honestly say that I am not looking forward to it at all. I will have to make sure I have lots of easy dinners on hand since I won't have help.

Almost time to head out for the school and it's snowing. Lovely. Ha! At least I'll be on time for a change ;)


  1. I helped save a life today, too. It was so nice to see some of the high schoolers donating.

    1. :) It was nice, wasn't it? I was surprised at how many were there.


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